Sunday, July 6, 2014

                                   CHAPTER 2


 Motivation means to push yourself or others through your fears to overcome them and move on as if they never excited . But the main question remains how can we motivate ourselves through the hardships lift our souls from the underground and label our spirits as happy positive and motivating spirits.
When people are looking of a source of inspiration or motivation they always look outside of their souls they will google some quotes read them learn them repeat them and live by them . They will look for a video of people maybe facing the same problem so they won't feel alone or some of the motivational speakers to lift their spirits or even worse they can stay still unwilling to do anything waiting for some hero to come through the door and speak some magical words to make them believe again.
I'm not judging those people and i know that everyone has his/her own way maybe you do have the perfect quote maybe you can act when you find out that you are not alone or you can even have your own super hero . But please hear me out this time you can have all of those above but for how long will they work a week a month a year or two before they stop making a difference ??!!  I used to do that until i discovered that we ourselves hold the key to our own happiness to our motivation to our own inspiration.We have the power to fight any circumstances to fall get back up fight once more and win . Power comes from within us so why are you waiting for someone else to tell you what to do ? i'm not saying that you can't cry or even whine about an event that crushed your heart or made you tired and exhausted because i do that everyone does that but don't let this event own your life. Let it be a lesson for days to come motivate yourself to fight to win . JUST BE YOUR OWN HERO . and please don't wait others cause you will never know if they are coming or not .


  1. Definitely my dear friend. It's true words .I love those words .I am a hero in my life and i think positively . Thank you so much....:)

    1. reading these words makes me more than happy and yes you are your own hero and thank you :)
